AirAsia Logo

AirAsia symbol, tail, logo with name and color palette

AirAsia logo

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AirAsia logo history

AirAsia is the largest budget airline in Asia. It was established in 1993, but its activity began only in 1996.

Originally the AirAsia logo was a logo with a bird. However, the company management did not like it, so in 2001 it was decided to change the corporate identity in general and the logo in particular. The bird was replaced by the white inscription on the red background. The airline explained it by the fact that red is the best color in the world.

In terms of marketing, the combination of red and white is a classic technique. Red is designed to attract attention, symbolizes the dynamics of development, moving forward not only the aircraft, but the company as a whole. But that is not all. The red color in the Asian culture is a symbol of good luck, nobility, happiness and love.

The round shape of the AirAsia logo also has a reason. The circle for the Asians means: the sun - one of the most venerated symbols in the Asian countries; Anso, i.e. enlightenment, according to Buddhism; the celestial sphere - fits into the company theme; eternity and infinity, which in the context of the airline indicate reliability.

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