Hawaiian Airlines Logo

Hawaiian Airlines symbol, tail, logo with name and color palette

Hawaiian Airlines logo
Tail logo
Hawaiian Airlines tail logo
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1024x1024px, 63 KB

Symbol logo
Hawaiian Airlines logo
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1024x1024px, 76 KB

Hawaiian Airlines logo with name
Hawaiian Airlines logo with name
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1050x300px, 49 KB

Hawaiian Airlines logo colors

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Hawaiian Airlines logo history

Since its founding in 1929, Hawaiian Airlines has grown to become one of the most recognizable airlines in the world. Its iconic logo has become a symbol of the Aloha spirit and the spirit of Hawaii, and has remained relatively unchanged over the course of its nearly century-long history.

The original logo for Hawaiian Airlines was designed in 1930 by Hawaiian artist James I. Miller. The logo featured a stylized hibiscus flower with a red center, which was meant to evoke the spirit of Hawaii and the islands' traditional symbols. The hibiscus was chosen because it is the state flower of Hawaii and is a symbol of hospitality and welcoming. The logo was used until the 1960s, when it was replaced with a more modern design.

The 1960s logo was a more abstract design, featuring a stylized "H" that was intended to represent the Hawaiian Islands. This logo was used until the 1980s, when it was replaced with a more simplified design. The 1980s logo featured a red and yellow circle with an "H" in the center, which was meant to evoke the spirit of the Hawaiian Islands.

In the late 1990s, Hawaiian Airlines redesigned its logo for the first time in nearly 20 years. The new logo featured a hibiscus flower with a yellow center, which was meant to represent the warmth and beauty of the islands. The new logo also featured the word "Hawaiian" in white lettering, and the slogan "The Spirit of Aloha." The new logo has remained in use ever since, and remains one of the most recognizable airline logos in the world.

Hawaiian Airlines' logo has gone through several redesigns over the years, but its core symbol has remained the same: the hibiscus flower. This symbol is a reminder of the spirit of Hawaii and the Aloha spirit, and is a reminder of the importance of hospitality and welcoming.

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