easyJet Logo

easyJet symbol, tail, logo with name and color palette

easyJet logo

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easyJet logo history

The easyJet logo has gone through many changes since the airline’s inception in 1995. The original logo was a stylized portrait of a jet engine, set in a blue circle. The jet engine was meant to represent the airline’s commitment to speed and efficiency. This logo was used until 2000, when the company decided to revamp its image.

The new logo, which was unveiled in 2000, was a much simpler design than the original. It featured a white circle containing the words “easyJet” in blue, set against a bright yellow background. The new logo was designed to be more modern and youthful, reflecting the airline’s target market.

In 2004, easyJet decided to update its logo once again. The new logo was a white circle containing the words “easyJet” in blue, set against a bright orange background. This logo was meant to convey a sense of energy and excitement, which was in line with the airline’s marketing strategy.

In 2012, easyJet unveiled its latest logo. The logo featured a white circle containing the words “easyJet” in blue, set against a gradient of blue and orange. This logo was meant to evoke a sense of movement and dynamism, as well as a more modern and stylish look.

The easyJet logo has gone through several changes since its inception, but the airline’s commitment to speed and efficiency has remained the same. The easyJet logo is now a recognizable symbol of the airline’s dedication to providing affordable, reliable air travel.

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